Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Week

On Wednesday, we went to my cousin Sara's Thanksgiving play at her school. She did a great job!!Afterwards we got to see her classroom and locker.

The rest of the day I spent baking pies and muffins.

On Thanksgiving all the family gathered at my cousin's house in Portland. We had a ton of food and fun! It was so nice to be with all the family ~ we did miss our brothers Erik and Russell though! But Garrett and I kept up the tradition of tossing the football around outside after dinner.

This was our first Thanksgiving back home in 4 years. Today was also our 4th wedding anniversary!

On Friday night we enjoyed a dinner out. Here are our moms enjoying some margaritas after a long day of shopping!
We had a great Thanksgiving week ~ we are blessed with such a wonderful family!


mrsjtg said...

We had to take a closer look at the moms to see if we could figure out who was who--- Ummm, not a tough one. Both are very pretty, and look like they were having a lot of fun!

Tiffany said...

Cute blog!! I am so excited to see that you guys are having a boy! Congratulations! Allison you look great- can barely tell you are pregnant!! Hope you guys are doing well!