Monday, February 16, 2009

Baby Shower

This weekend I was given an amazing baby shower!! It was great to see so many friends and family. We had lots of laughs and yummy food. Garrett and I feel very blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. Thank you everyone for all of your love and support you have sent our way. Our son is very lucky to have you all in his life!

Aunt Pam, Aunt Jean, & Nana.

Sara & I ~ thanks for all your help!

Garrett crashed the party :) Our baby pics and blankets behind us.

Cheryl, Brittney & Cheryl ~ fun to have them all together. Especially since they were all my bridesmaids! Love you girls!

Mom, Aunt Judy, Aunt Barb, Nancy & Sara
Thanks again to everyone for all the work you put into the baby shower. And thank you to everyone who made a long drive or took a flight to see us!


mrsjtg said...

Baby showers are so fun. Looks like you made out well. Can't wait for the blog titled, "HE'S HERE!!!!"