Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last day of Preschool

Last week we had our last day of our Mommy & Me class. Since last September Brooks and I have been going to this class every Friday, and it has been a wonderful experience! We've done lots of art projects, learned about animals, nature and God. We got to play on the playground, have snack time, and make some really great friends. Brooks has grown so much over the past school year - becoming much more talkative and independent. For our last day of class, we celebrated by having a picnic in the park!
Brooks and Mrs. Holmquist - she is a wonderful teacher!

Tali and Brooks

What a wonderful experience this has been! My heart is a little sad was such a special thing for Brooks and I to do together. Next year he will be in the 2 year old class twice a week, with no mommy by his side :( Time is just flying!
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